TRTFN is currently undertaking a food and medicine plant project to revitalize the deep relationship we have with plants.
The project is currently in the scoping and initial research stage. We are engaging the community about what food and medicine plant activities they would like to see in future, so we can apply for funding to support these activities. If you are a community member and have not already participated in the survey, you can complete it by following this link: INSERT HERE.
Initial research is being done to gather all publicly available information on traditional food and medicine plant use by Tlingit people. This information will be made accessible to community members. This is only the first step in gathering knowledge to empower more community members to engage with plants as food and medicine. Future research activities may include making archival information available and conducting interviews with knowledge holders.
We hope this project will increase community health and resilience to climate change in the long term, and facilitate knowledge transfer between generations.
Two of our community members Aunty Alice Carlick & Joanne Williams have made some wonderful medicines and put together a special box as a gift for completing our survey.