
The Tlingit Family Learning Centre

The Tlingit Family Learning Centre (TFLC) is the education branch of the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN). TFLC facilitates our programs in a holistic way, from our Early Childhood education programs that prepare our young ones to navigate the world and to enter into formal education right up to post-secondary supports. We also promote self-determination and incorporate language, culture, and traditional teachings wherever possible. Education plays a significant role in our development as a self-governing nation. We also seek to increase both enrollment and graduation rates among our citizens. Through education, we hope to enable our students to find pride in their Indigenous identities and empower their sense of independence. At TFLC, we provide services to both Tlingit and non-Tlingit community members and their families in the Taku River Tlingit Territory.

Early Years Education Programs


Aboriginal Head Start On Reserve (AHSOR) is a program that supports activities focused on early childhood learning and development for First Nations children from birth to age six and their families.

The goal of the program is to support activities that are designed and delivered by First Nations communities to meet their unique needs and priorities.

Aboriginal Head Start On Reserve

Infant Toddler Program

If you are concerned about your child’s development, the Infant Development Program can help. The Infant Development Program serves children from birth to three years old who are at risk for, or who already have a delay in development. Programs are available throughout British Columbia. Each program brings parents and professionals together to help children overcome developmental difficulties. It is an opportunity!

Infant Development Program

Supported Child Development

The Supported Child Development Program (SCD) assists families of children who require additional support to access inclusive child care programs. Working with daycares, preschools, family daycares and out of school care programs, we provide consultation services and extra staffing assistance to ensure inclusive practices for children who have a demonstrated need for extra support.

Supported Child Development

Mental Wellness Parenting

Northern Focus Counselling and Support Services is a community-based group of professionals providing counselling services and psychological assessment for northern communities. Their multidisciplinary approaches help clients live healthy and productive lives. They promote the mental well being of community members, employees and families. Hilary Calnan, MA, is the one working with TFLC.

Northern Focus Counselling

K-12 Education Programs


TRTFN/TFLC and the Board of School Trustees of School District no. 87 (Stikine) Agreement (Link)

The TFLC also runs programs 1) at the Atlin School for students from K-12, 2) is developing Lingít Language, 3) promotes TRTFN Culture, 4) held Post-Secondary programs, and 5) held onsite a Continuing Studies Program in Indigenous Language Revitalization through the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

K-12 Education Support – K-12 Education Support uses different pedagogies, including tutoring, to give better learning experience to all native persons being a student. It adds several native dimensions to the regular curriculum, especially hand-on learning activities regarding Tlingit language, culture, and history. Parents and families are closely involved in their endeavors.

K-12 Culture Support- K-12 Culture Support promotes Tlingit culture and language expression for children, youth, and families in the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN). This is done in a support role to the various needs of TRTFN students (K-12) at Atlin School and through school case conference TRTFN students in Whitehorse schools.

K-12 School Counselling – K-12 School Counselling is done through Northern Focus Counselling. They provide professional therapeutic and clinical support to different groups of people and cover a wide variety of concerns. Joseph St.Paul Graham and Kyla Vanstone are the facilitators for TFLC.

K-12 Education Programs – Several programs are used to complement the TFLC efforts to give positive learning experiences to TRTFN students.  We currently have (5) programs you can view here .

Lingít Language Program

The Children Of The Taku Society, along with our partners, are developing a comprehensive, sequenced curriculum designed to help new learners become fluent in Lingít. The curriculum is composed of six textbooks divided into three levels. At each level there is a language book and a literature book. Each book is accompanied by audio recordings and additional materials to aid in learning and teaching.

Lingít Curriculum Diagram and Free Textbooks

Cultural Outreach

We also have a Cultural Outreach and a Centre for Culture with many activities.


Post-secondary programs

By supporting our Citizens to achieve their post-secondary accreditation goals through the Education, TRTFN seeks to promote a healthy, unified, self-reliant people who are life-long learners. It is hope that Students who receive support will embrace TRTFN’s tradition of generosity and reciprocity and use the skills and knowledge they acquire through their education to give back to the community as a whole.

University of Victoria (UVic)

TFLC has partnered with the University of Victoria, BC, to offer the Certificate in Indigenous Language Revitalization in the community of Atlin. Program outcomes and Program features are available through Uvic pamphlet.