TRTFN Advisory Committees & Information

Procedures to Guide Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) Advisory Committees Appointment Processes


Within the governance of Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN), advisory committees play a pivotal role in shaping and guiding decisions and plans that impact the whole Taku community. These committees, while distinct entities, intertwine with constitutionally mandated Governing Bodies, each contributing unique perspectives and functions to the governance of TRTFN. These committees are advisory and have no decision-making authority. Instead, they act as an effective support for informed decision-making. As they are flexible in nature they can adapt to challenges and opportunities as projects unfold, ensuring that diverse voices within TRTFN are heard when decisions and plans for the future are made.

As these committees are so vital to the Taku people, it is important that the procedures for appointing individuals to serve on them is clearly defined and communicated to the whole community. The procedures will adhere to Tlingit law and, while Moieties are not Clans, for the purposes of committee representation they are recognized and given status in the appointment procedures.

Below the procedures for appointing individuals to advisory committees are outlined.


  1. Announcement and Information Session

The Negotiations Department will publicly announce the formation of the Advisory Committee and invite community members to express their interest in participating.  Detailed information about the purpose, goals, and responsibilities of the Advisory Committee are to be provided as part of the invitation. The announcement will be made through different media which may include all or some of the following: Facebook, TRTFN website, physical announcement posted at TRTFN Government office, TRTFN Whitehorse office, Atlin general store, and the Atlin recreation centre. Other methods may be used as appropriate.

The Negotiations Department project-specific team will arrange an information session for potential candidates to review the detailed information about the purpose, goals, and responsibilities of the Advisory Committee. The session will address any queries and concerns from interested individuals and highlight the eligibility criteria, and the skills and expertise desired which will be different for, and specific to, each Advisory Committee being established for different purposes. This session can be hybrid to accommodate maximum participation.

  1. Nomination and Expressions of Interest

The Negotiations Department will open a nomination period during which community members can nominate themselves or others for membership. Candidates will submit expressions of interest following the guidance provided in writing and at the information session. Alignment to the existing TRTFN Constitution and other laws (including codes) where they apply, will be demonstrated in the guidance process.

  1. Nomination Review

A project specific review panel comprised of Clan leaders and project team members will review nominations to ensure they meet the criteria. Nominees may be asked to provide additional information or attend an interview.

Throughout the process Clan governance will be recognized and respected. In the event that Clan leaders are the only Tlingit people on the panel, they will be recognized as the authority in the process due to their familiarity with candidates.

  1. Candidate Selection

The project specific review panel will assess nominees based on diversity (age, gender, Clan affiliation), potential conflict of interest or legal barriers, expertise, and alignment with the criteria for and purpose of the Advisory Committee. Depending on the nominations received, the aim is to create a diverse group of up to, but no more than, eight (8) individuals, considering factors such as age, gender, Clan representation, and experience.

In the event that a committee requires third party individuals with subject matter expertise, the review panel will ensure that the equal representation of each clan is maintained on the committee.

  1. Announcement of Selected Members

The review panel will advise the Negotiations Department of their selection. This will then be publicly announced by the Negotiations Department through the same methods used to announce the formation of the committee. It will include an expression of gratitude to all nominees and communicate the importance of their ongoing engagement and an invitation to apply to future committees.

  1. Onboarding and Orientation

The Negotiations Department will facilitate an onboarding session for the appointed members, providing an overview of the committee’s objectives, expectations, and the overall project timeline. This will include distribution of relevant documents and materials for review including the Terms of Reference.

  1. Inaugural Meeting

The Negotiations Department will schedule and conduct the inaugural meeting where committee members can introduce themselves, review the Terms of Reference and consider recommendations on useful changes to the Terms of Reference where appropriate, and discuss what should be in a work plan, including initial steps and expectations.

  1. Advisory Committee Internal Working Rules.

Each Advisory Committee may establish its own rules for the conduct of its meetings, such as determination of the Chair, setting agendas, quorum, location of meetings including whether hybrid sessions are acceptable for the conduct of business, and rules on determining consensus or when a vote is successful for the purposes of advising on matters under consideration by it.

  1. Continuous Community Engagement

Throughout the appointment process, the Negotiations Department will maintain open communication with the community, keeping them informed about the progress and outcomes and will encourage ongoing community input and feedback.

  1. Regular Review and Renewal

The Negotiations Department will ensure periodic review of the composition and performance of the Advisory Committee to ensure it remains representative and effective.

  1. Inclusion on TRTFN Website

The Negotiations Department will, unless a decision is made not to by an individual committee, include a list of all committees, including any Advisory Committee, and their membership on the TRTFN website to enhance transparency and community awareness.

  1. Exclusions

TRTFN citizens cannot serve on an Advisory Committee if they are working either as an employee or a contractor in a related capacity to the mandate of the committee which the Advisory Committee is supporting. Attendance at Advisory Committee meetings will be recognized as included as part of their role as an employee of the First Nation If the employee is a Citizen of TRTFN, their participation does not count towards Clan representation of the committee numbers.

From time to time, it may be useful to have a TRTFN employee with specific relevant and direct expertise to work with an Advisory Committee. Where this is appropriate, the individual is to be considered an ex officio member providing advice to Advisory Committee members but does not act in any way as a voting member of the Advisory Committee.


Note: This process is flexible and may be adjusted as and when necessary to meet the needs of TRTFN through formalized adaptation by the Negotiations Department Manager, in coordination with relevant administrative staff.

Note: The Negotiations Department will ensure that when required, the Advisory Committee will be provided with third party, neutral, or subject matter experts that can guide and support the work of the Advisory Committee.

Note: These procedures do not apply to advisory bodies set up through TRTFN laws, including the Constitution, Laws and Codes.